Monthly Archives: May 2014

Letting go of a grudge spell


Forgiveness is essential when it comes to letting go of a grudge. I am sure that everyone at some point or another as been hurt by the actions or word of others. You have a choice to either hold on to the anger and resentment, or embrace forgiveness and move forward.

Depending on what transpired, forgiveness can be easy or hard. If a project has been sabotaged or mean words were said in a moment of anger it is easier to forgive. If financial harm was caused or your partner betrays you by having an affair it is more difficult. Such wounds can leave you with deep feelings of anger.

Why should you forgive them?

If you have trouble forgiving, remember that forgiving them helps you personally by relieving yourself of the hate burden their behavior put on you. Forgiveness is for yourself, not necessarily for them. It is a decision you make to let go of thoughts of hate and revenge so you can reduce your anxiety, stress and hostility. These things adversely affect yourself because it can damage relationships, make you become jaded and bitter, depressed, use drugs or alcohol, get high blood pressure, and even gray hairs!

You don’t really have to forget that this person was responsible for hurting you. You simply need to forgive without excusing the act. You can get a better sense of peace that can help you move on with your life peaceably. Obviously you are going to be careful about their involvement in your life in the future, but that will be out of caution and wisdom, not out of hatred that destroys your own karma and spirituality.

It is easy to hold a grudge because a hostile act towards you creates feelings of anger, bitterness and vengeance within you. They hurt you so its no surprise that you feel angry, sad and even confused about it. If you dwell on the situation then the poison can really take root. Negative and evil thoughts will swirl and positive thoughts will get drowned it if you let it get too far. This is one of the reasons Wiccans believe in the three-fold law. If you execute revenge or evil or retaliate, essentially Wiccans believe that bad karma will return to your doorstep three-fold worse!

How to reach forgiveness

You can reach forgiveness by committing yourself to get happy. Consider how valuable the forgiveness is because it allows you to free yourself of bad energy over it and rise above it. Forgiveness can actually have a positive effect on your life, whereas harboring anger never will. If you reflect on how you reacted on what you feel, you will see that the simmering resentment is negatively affecting the quality of your life, health and well-being.

When you are ready you can actively choose that you are going to forgive this person. Perform this spell to free yourself of the burden of resentment. This spell involves no ingredients the main trick of the spell is to memorize it and repeat it to yourself whenever angry thoughts of this person arise in your mind. If they come to your mind, recite the spell silently in your head to banish off the thoughts.

Let go of a grudge spell

Grudge be gone
I choose to forgive
those who have offended me
No longer a victim, I move away
Release control this person has over my life
Release control this person has over my thoughts
Release control this person has over my emotions
Release control this person has over my situation
Grudge be gone, you do not define me
Hurt be gone, you do not define me,
Compassion find me
Understanding find me
So mote it be

Let go of anger spell