Monthly Archives: November 2011

Miracle Herbs

As a firm believer in modern medicine if I were afflicted for example with a urinary tract infection and given a choice between taking antibiotics and a cranberry herbal remedy, I’d pick the antibiotics. If I were able to utilize both remedies however, I would do that because I believe that herbs can provide beneficial health benefits though maybe not cure diseases. I for one am a believer that natural herbs and a diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables can compliment modern medicine nicely. Healthy diet, exercise, fruits vegetable and herbs will help your body stay strong and healthier than most people.   Being super health and diet conscious will work its natural magic.  I do believe a diet healthy in natural herbs can effectively help to preserve ones health.

There are nutritionists and homeopathic doctors that are completely sold on tauting the remarkable benefits of certain miracle herbs. A documentary called The Miracle Herbs detailed how several herbs helps millions of people revitalize and heal their bodies. For example, the Aloes which include aloe vera, aloe barbadenisis, aloe nato, aloe socatrina and the aloe ferox plant are touted to help prevent or even combat cancer, aids and other terminal illnesses. Ginseng and royal jelly are also herbs that are claimed to be effective in fighting diabetes, high cholesterol and other illnesses. The hemp plant has medicinal benefits as well. Hemp oil has anti-inflammatory properties and is said to relieve symptoms of eczema. Hemp seed has a higher amount of omega-3 in it than walnuts. It is also used in medicinal cannabis. While miracle herbs are no replacement for modern medicine, they are more and more being combined with modern medicine for anti aging purposes and to treat cancer, heart disease, chronic pain, sleep disturbances and more.

Certainly, a diet high in vegetables plants and healthy herbs reigns supreme. Both onion and garlic are said to be effective cancer fighters. In China it is said that people who eat onions and garlic on a regular basis have some of the lowest recorded cancer rates in the world. The nationals institutes of health and the national center for complementary and alternative medicine conducts clinical trials and studies on herb research. Obviously taking any herb supplement should be approached with caution and when taking a supplement always consult your health provider. I am a fan of herbs and seasonings that can be consumed as part of a regular diet.

For the sake of safety the best method to taking herbs is to include a wide variety of healthy plants and vegetables in your regular daily diet. That way your are getting benefits naturally rather than taking increased doses of herbs in supplement format that could potentially upset your system. Herbs, particularly when consumed naturally via a diet that has a strong vegetarian influence to it, can undoubtedly help your health. Certain herbs are also extremely beneficial in skin care treatments. Dried herbs and flowers are used for skin care and hair care as well as health products.  Eat plenty of natural and organic fruits and vegetables, use a variety of seasonings, and look for herbal ingredients in skin creams, bath, body and hair care products to benefit from their wonderful natural properties.