Do you believe that Astrology can predict love?

Everyone asks you that one question, what’s your sign?  For me, I am a Libra.  That means I’m born at the end of September.   I have specific traits that I need balance yet can’t make decisions easily, I am fascinated with beauty, and I strive for diplomacy yet often fall short.  Supposedly I am compatible with an Aquarius born in January-February.  Unfortunately, I like Taurus men instead.

If you ask me about Astrology, I would say that I don’t really believe the science of it all, but I also don’t ignore it completely.  I admire the theories and believe that taking into account different personality types and traits, and then looking at how they might match up is pretty cool indeed.  If you were to ask anyone if they believe in Astrology, about 30-31% of people will say yes that they believe in the signs.  50-51% of people are non-believers who think Astrology is total mockery to science and they don’t understand or believe in it at all.  The 18% or so left are on the fence and have no opinion.

While the science of Astrology might be a bit of mockery, I think goddesses can benefit from the astrological signs and birth chart readings.  It can provide women insight into how they are, and what they might look for in terms of personality traits.  The main idea is to find the personality traits that are going to suit you the best in a long term romantic relationship.  Astrology makes for good date talk too.  Check out your dates sign and that might get him chatting you up about what he is looking for.  You can flirt astrology while finding out what his future love, wealth and health goals are.  Plus, you might find out more about his strengths or weaknesses.  Astrology talk is a playful way to get to know someone better!

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